Saturday, July 28, 2012

Lactic Acid and Panic Attacks - connection?

Last night Andrew and I had a date night with a wonderful couple we really enjoy spending time with! Savannah and Patrick. Aren't they cute!!!

We went to Olive Garden and to the new batman movie, The Dark Knight Rises. Which by the way, if you have not seen it, GO RIGHT NOW. It is a fantastic movie. 

HOWEVER....panic arose, as it always seem to as of late. At the restaurant I had continuous hot flashes and mini panic attacks accompanied by nausea and the overwhelming urge to FLEE!!! You know what that is like if you have ever had a panic attack. You just want to run away, and run away fast. 

I have recently been seeing a therapist every Tuesday, we are still in the "getting to know me" phase of the plan though....he practically knows every detail of my life and every trigger that can set off panic for me. This is just one of the steps I am taking to try to get back to a normal functioning state.

Summer doesn't help either, and this has been a particularly hot summer for us here in Ohio. 90+ degree days with 60+ percent humidity. It feels like it is smothering me, and when you don't sweat (which I do not) that makes things even much worse. (getting hot is a big trigger for me) 

Anyway, as I ramble on, last night's panic episodes made me want to do some more research for things that might help to rid myself of panic or at the least spread the panic out....I can handle one every few months instead of every day. That would be a great help.

What I  found though was very interesting. A link between lactic acid and panic attacks. It seems that people with panic disorder all share a common factor: high levels of lactic acid.

 "One hypothesis is that panic attacks are caused by lactic acid constricting blood vessels, leading to less oxygen to the brain. Another hypothesis is that lactic acid alters the release of hormones and neurotransmitters, which may induce panic attacks."

So, there are ways to reduce your lactic acid. Which I am going to IMMEDIATELY begin doing because I can't handle one more day of this nonsense! 
  1. Drink more water. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT
  2. Go on a lower carb diet. 
  3. Eat less dairy
  4. Meditate, do yoga, anything that increases relaxation and deep breathing
  5. Avoid high sodium foods
  6. Go for a walk every evening

I will keep you all updated on my progress <3 I am ready to be happy and healthy and on my way to a more normal life. I am willing to do pretty much anything at this point. I DESERVE TO BE HAPPY!!! 

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Trace Minerals

Did you know 90% of Americans suffer from a mineral deficiency? We need a trace amount of many minerals to keep us healthy and our bodies running properly.

Traditionally, eating fresh grains, fruits, and vegetables grown in nutrient-rich soil has been the primary supply for a full spectrum of ionic minerals.
So why do most of us have a mineral deficiency? Because many of the trace minerals that used to be abundant in soil have now been washed away into the oceans. 

Some benefits of trace minerals:

Studies suggest that bone loss in post-menopausal women can be STOPPED when trace mineral intake is increased!

Promotes normal thyroid function.

Moderates heartbeat, counteracts fatigue, muscle cramps, and constipation.

Many others!

So I will begin taking trace minerals for my overall health. You can purchase them in the form of drops that you place in your drink and they taste like nothing. You don't even notice them. <---- a place to order <---- great place in Parkersburg to purchase trace minerals and a lot of other wonderful natural products.

Thursday, May 17, 2012


Lately I've been really interested in starting a yoga routine, not only for my overall health, posture and flexibility but maybe it will also help my anxiety levels. Lately my anxiety has been kind of high. On a scale of 1-10 I'd say I'm a 6-7 right now. I'd love to be down to a 2-3. So this is just one of the things I have thought about starting to help with my anxiety levels. They have yoga classes at our local YMCA. I think I am going to start trying to attend one or two classes a week. I would love to be able to find someone to go with me. Since the Y provides childcare it wouldn't be hard at all for me to go. 

Here are a list of health benefits of yoga:

  1. Flexibility - yoga stretches not only your muscles but ALL the soft tissues of your body. (Ligaments, tendons, etc.)
  2. Strength - practicing a more vigorous form of yoga (ashtonga or power yoga) will help improve your muscle tone. When practiced correctly nearly all yoga poses nearly all poses will build your core strength in your deep abdominal muscles.
  3. Posture - With better core strength you are more likely to sit and stand correctly.
  4. Breathing - Because of the deep mindful beathing of yoga, lung capacity often improves.
  5. Less Stress - Meditation, deep lowers levels of hormone neurotransmitters. This creates a feeling of calm.
  6. Heart - Yoga benefits our heart! Yoga lowers blood pressure and heart rate. This can really benefit people with heart disease, high blood pressure, and stroke.
  7. Other benefits - Memory, energy levels, back pain, arthritis, asthma, etc! 
So basically, it looks like you cannot go wrong by practicing yoga. I am very excited to start this journey and I will keep you all updated on my progress in this area. 

Want to know more about yoga benefits? Click here

Have a blessed day! 

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Devotional - Marriage

Matthew 7:3-5

New International Version (NIV)
“Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.

I love this scripture. It helps me to keep myself in check. How easy it is for us to make excuses for ourselves, putting blame on others. Especially in our marriage. We might say, "If my husband would just take the trash out like I asked..." or "He has been so grumpy, no wonder I don't want to be around him." God is calling us to look at ourselves. Not one of us is perfect! the Bible says to love one another like Christ loved the Church.  ("Love your wife as Christ loved the Church."(Ephesians 5:25)) Instead of focusing on what our husbands or wives are doing wrong why not focus on what we are doing wrong? No one is perfect and we all have things we need to improve on. How can we love our husband with every fiber of our beings? How can we show them every day that we love them more and more? How can we love them as Christ loved the Church? By loving them with all we have we are honoring God and honoring our husband or wife. Maybe leave a little note in his/her car. Maybe an extravagant gift. Maybe doing a chore that they would normally do. Maybe even just watching the kids for an evening so they can go out with friends. Little things like this make your partner feel loved and special and that makes for a healthy and beautiful relationship that is pleasing to God.

Do you have a plank that you need to remove from your eye? Have you been making excuses for your own behavior and placing the blame on someone else, maybe even your spouse? Now is the time to correct that behavior. 

Have a blessed day! 

Photo Credit

Meet the Author

Hello, My name is STACI MORGAN

Nice to meet you.

Do you like my beautiful wedding photo? That's me, my husband Andrew, and our daughter Delaney.
We were married on March 17th, 2012 in Ohio. 

I am excited to start this journey of "blogging" as I have never really done it with any sort of regularity. I feel like it might be very therapeutic for me to express myself through this medium. 

Since this is my first blog post, let me tell you a few things about myself so you will be able to understand my blogging in the future. 

  1. I am a licensed Esthetician in the State of Ohio and a makeup artist/receptionist at a photography studio. Makeup is definitely a passion of mine so expect many many blog posts with tutorials, tips, and tricks. (See my beautiful wedding photo!?!)
  2. I have panic disorder and overall anxiety - this started at the age of 19, randomly. I am doing much better than I used to. I still cannot drive long distances or even on the highway alone but it has come a LONG way since I was 19 when I refused to get into a car or even be alone for a half hour at a time. I am now on medication and considering seeing a therapist to continue to improve my behaviors.
  3. I love being a mommy! Delaney makes me world go 'round, and I don't know what I would do without her. That being said, I don't know if I ever want to have another kid. See number 2. Haha.
  4. I love cooking and baking. It is very relaxing to me. I am sure there will be many future blog posts with recipes.
  5. I am a Christian. I go to a Baptist Church and I love my church family. I don't pass judgement however if you don't believe in God. I by no means have a perfect walk with God but I am striving to really bring Him into my life and my marriage as much as possible because without Him I would be no where. I am thankful for what I have!!! 
Alright, now that you have met there anything you would like to see me blog about in the future? I will do my best to accommodate. 

Have a blessed day my friends!